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Whenever we use some search engine we always see a lot of related web pages which belong to different websites. Ever thought what do the owners of these websites pay the search engines to refer them to you? Well this is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. SEO is the process which affects the visibility of a web page whenever we use some search engine. SEO is a magical and priceless thing for the websites owners as higher the rank of the web pages or the more the web pages appear in search results, the more will be the number of visitors on the website.
6/15/2015 - Prasad Maduranga

You may be having a daunting task trying to get your DotNetNuke site listed on the first page of search engines. You probably don’t have an idea of how you are going to do this. There are certain SEO tips if followed right will help your website climb steadily up to the top of search engines so as to attract the required traffic that will sell products and services. But first thing you should understand is search engine ranking of your website will not improve overnight. Don’t be cheated with someone claiming to be a Search Engine Optimization Expert that he will get your site ranked first page within a few months. Even if he does so, he/she will have optimized your site using a keyword that is either not significant or doesn’t attract any real traffic that sells your products and services. Let us look at the real SEO tips for getting your site rank top in search engines.
6/26/2013 - Prasad Maduranga

Websites have twisted out to be the talk of the town amongst the Information and Technology people. To make both ends meet every business is now having its own website no matter whether it is dynamic or static. Well the craze of websites is not much older. It has touched new skies of glories in almost past 10 years only. If we go in the past mostly the use of computers was limited to IT professionals for developing softwares and hardware only. No one thought about making something which has the capability of sharing things online. During those days computers were just an instrument of calculation, data entries, research work, managing accounts etc. But now the picture has been changed a lot. The business of creating websites has raised to such a level that no business organization or any other institution can think of working without having websites. Moreover, it has become a popular means of entertainment for young blood. Famous websites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc have gathered so much traffic on the internet that they have appeared as the marketplace leaders in the field of social networking.
9/3/2012 - Prasad Maduranga
Software development is a zone of the programmers and they can assure all that they work hard to deliver the best of software programs to run our hard ware and appliances. The set up is never an easy process but they have always tossed with the process, often successfully. Codes are a common word in these development rooms. These codes need to be strong to support various programs to be run with them otherwise they can easily break and render in vain work done to produce them.
As new features get added to the machines to be run with the software, the repair and maintenance should get ea ...
12/18/2011 - Prasad Maduranga