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The act of making so much wealth is indeed top on the priority of most persons. This fact is been couple with the ever increasing issues and problems most persons do face on a constant base which has indeed made their quest for wealth an unending one. One factor that has really become a torn in the flesh of so many persons is the fact that the ever increasing taxations and levies are solely unbearable. But with the help of a virtual platform, all these issues with regards to financial spending are been reduced drastically.
4/29/2013 - Prasad Maduranga

The blissfulness of today is such a rosy one that it keeps reminding me about so many issues that mankind is indeed engrossed with. One of such issues sincerely evolve around some elements that has truly affected man kind in so many ways which indeed leaves man wondering what will be his outcome financially. The wealthy of a nation solely depends on so many factors among which individual wealthy contribute a great deal in the process of wealth creation. The truth still remains that, most persons require the freedom of work, in other to further inspire more creativity. For them to create the needed wealthy they so desire for themselves, they need to learn the various mechanism through which wealth could be created and better assimilated. The current trend through which a perfect wealth creation mechanism could be created is via a process were you as an individual will be able to work and earn so much money, which if properly invested, could for ever make you so wealthy beyond your imagination.
4/23/2013 - Prasad Maduranga
Personally, I just could not phantom the rate at which mankind solely depend on computers and computer based applications and programs in our daily routines and endeavors. With this in mind, it is becoming eminent that any one who intends to keep up with the societal strata, and then you as an individual most be willing to ensure that you have a good and grounded knowledge and skills mostly in fields that relates or evolves around Information Technology (computers).
2/5/2013 - Prasad Maduranga

Like the year 2011 which was looked at with so much hope and aspiration. Today all that is indeed a thing of the past and we all are currently waxing strong in the euphoria of 2012 which will soon come to a close. But with all this, the singular question still remains, how prepare are we for 2013, and what is our set down strategies through which we could successfully over come the obstacles so envisaged in 2013. To find out more, I will like you to take a deep breath, exhale and read further.
12/31/2012 - Prasad Maduranga

Computer has indeed been defined as an electronics device that store, retrieve and process data. The origin of the computer could be traced back to the days when abacus was indeed the major equipment used in the calculation which was further worked - which led to the invention of the logarithms. With the meaning and definition of computer clearly stated, I will love to proceed by literary taking you through a tour as to the origin of how computer originated and the various types of computer that was invented in the past and how these inventions were used in the past.
12/12/2012 - Prasad Maduranga

In today’s world, computer as an equipment has indeed proven to be really helpful to all of man kind and as a result most persons has indeed opted to make use of this amazing gadgets both for their personal use as well as their corporate use. It has been proven that your computer could either be one reliable equipment that could rescue you, create wealth for you, enable you meet your spouse as well a put meals on your table. To find out more, I will love you to take a deep breath, inhale, exhale and read further.
11/12/2012 - Prasad Maduranga

Children and Computer is indeed one phenomenon that is on the increase these days. And this could be accredited to the fact that today computer plays a vital role in the day to day activity of mankind as well as could be felt in almost every sphere of mans endeavor. With this said, Children relationship with computer could turn out to be positive via producing a positive invention that could be helpful to mankind or on the other hand, children relationship with computer could be negative and turn out to be harmful to man kind.
11/5/2012 - Prasad Maduranga