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It has been proven that most persons all around the globe have suffered one form of information theft or the other. It is indeed on record that multi million dollar corporations all around the globe losses great junks of money due to information theft and its related cyber criminal activities. With all this in mind, I will like to expose to you the various practical steps in which you could take in other to prevent your vital information from been stolen by an un suspected criminal minded persons, group or organization both locally and internationally.
1/28/2013 - Prasad Maduranga

Personally, the thought of this topic really make my heart race in thought. For hours, I was speechless, dumb and silent while engaging my mind in a detailed thinking section before I gathered the momentum with which I would love to discuss this topic or rather give an answer to this amazing question “Should my kids hack”. Before, I delve into answering this question I would love to take you through some basic hacking information in other for you to have a better understanding of the term hack, hacking, hacker, ethical hacker and cracker. Etc.
12/20/2012 - Prasad Maduranga

Hacking as an information technology based term could mean the process through which a skilled programmer by passes a set down system, process and procedures in other to gain access into restricted well of information. With this said, hacking as a term has been around for decades and was one form of computerized skill that was first used within the military spectrum for the sole purpose of infiltrating an enemies data base in other to ensure that vital communications, information’s, military strategies and data’s are captured away. But with this in mind, today the bulk of hacking is mostly done by civilian and the most funny and over whelming fact is this - Hacking as a term is currently been executed by underage adults mostly ages 8 – 17 years.
11/19/2012 - Prasad Maduranga
Privacy in the web has been threatened by "Hackers" and idlers who follow all links we may visit and implicate on us to solicit funds or tap personal information which they will use against us.
6/16/2011 - Prasad Maduranga