Generating revenue from your DotNetNuke website is a much simpler procedure than most people might think. Just add a little effort with a pinch of skill, and you’re well on your way to bringing in big bucks from your website. Now let’s look at some simple and straightforward ways to manage your DotNetNuke site to make it generate large business revenue for you and your partners.

Managing Advertisements:
Two words: “Banners Module”. DotNetNuke provides you this simple solution for putting up advertisements on your website. With the Banners Module you can give your website the ability to rotate advertisements on each new page load, and it also monitors and tracks the number of ‘clicks’ for each ad.
The Banners Module provides the functionality to maintain both image based and also text based ads for your website.
Image Based Advertising:
These types of ads include:
• Banners
• Skyscraper
• Block
• Button
• Microbutton

Text/Script Based and Advertisement for Content:
In Text Based Advertising you can either choose text ads or you can enter scripts from programs like ‘Google Adsense’. Signing up your website on Google Adsense is the most popular method to display precise and targeted ads on your site to generate higher rates of income.
Benefit of Banners Module:
The beauty of the Banners Module is that on every page refresh, the visitor will see a changed ad from the one he/she viewed previously. This is called Advertisement Rotation. In this way you gain the advantage of showing your visitors a variety of advertisements, which in turn heightens your chances to get clicks on those ads.
Affiliate Advertising:
In this type of advertising you work as an affiliate of another company. In order to do this you register with the company as an affiliate through their website. Based on the nature and content of your website the company approves or rejects your request to become an affiliate.
Once you are approved you will be provided with your Affiliate ID, variety of advertisements you can choose from, get tracking reports and stats of your clicks/sales/leads, and many extras like tips, help on pricing structures you can follow to generate higher income and much more.

Managing Subscriptions:
With DotNetNuke you can set up subscription payments for your website with the “Subscription Module”. With subscriptions you charge the visitors a fee to permit them to gain access to certain content on your website such as articles, videos, music and other downloads.
Managing subscription requires you to put a lot of time and effort into creating genuine and unique content for your website and give quality customer support.
Managing Sales:
Another highly lucrative option for creating earnings is by using the “Store Module”. This module supports the ability to set up a store on your site. With it you can give quick and flawless customer support, provide options for world-wide deliveries of the products and also support credit card payments.
In Conclusion:
What kind of Revenue Generation method you use for your DotNetNuke website depends on the nature and content of your website, the level of effort you can put in your site to maintain it and the amount of revenue you desire to generate. Make sure that you don’t just stick to one method, instead try different approaches and figure out what suits you best.
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