DotNetNuke was developed in VB.NET, although the developer has moved to C# since version 6.0. It is now issued under both commercial proprietary licenses and a Community Edition MIT license as the Professional and Enterprise Editions.

Live Blog
It has all the necessary blogging features other than multi-author support, search engine optimized, enhanced comment system, flexible feeds generator and integration with many services such as Writer A kismet, Twitter, Disqus, Live, Google and ReCaptcha.
User Experience
Live Blog is quick to install and easy to manage. Similar to all other Mandeeps modules, Live Blog focuses on UI/UX and Usability model and offers a reliable User Experience.
Dashboard: At a glimpse, dashboard permits you to see the draft and published posts, categories and tags pending approval.

Make an archive by posting the record of presented posts composed by year and month.
Write the record of distributed posts for each author as well as single author RSS Feed.
Show a month to month calendar that highlights days with distributed posts.
Show a progressive perspective of categories with the number of published posts on top of singular category RSS Feed.
Featured Posts
Presents a list of featured posts found anywhere on the website with capacity to filter on a particular author and/or assortment and bound number of posts.
Popular Posts:
Displays the record of popular posts on the site, and has the ability to filter on a particular author or category and bound the amount of posts.
Recent Comments
Displays a list of current comments written on the site, and has the ability to filter on a particular author or category and limit number of posts.
Recent Posts
Displays a list of recent posts anywhere on the site with ability to filter on a specific author or category and limit number of posts.
Searches quickly within all posts by using advance interactive technologies.
Tags Cloud
Make a based tag cloud derived from tags weight and division across all posts.
Twitter Widgets
Shows twitter widgets for instance current tweets from your account.
Blog Rolls
Insert links quickly to other blog posts determined by RSS Feeds. Blog rolls are great traffic generating tools and easy way to display recent and related matter.
Social Sharing:
DotNetNuke Journal and Social Groups Integration
Whenever a post is modified, automatically updates DotNetNuke Journal Activity and pre-specified DotNetNuke Social Groups.
Social Networking Icons
Capacity to display any number of social networking symbols on your post to support sharing. Displays exclusive icons from Linked In, Facebook and Twitter or integrate with services like and to represent countless social networking options.
DotNetNuke Scheduler:
Include a devoted DotNetNuke Scheduled Task for Email Notifications and Ping Services.
Migrate to live blog:
Free alteration from another blog module
Are you using another DotNetNuke Blog module? All of your content can be transferred from any accessible DotNetNuke Blog module to Live Blog at zero cost.
Live Blog maintains importing from subsequent 3rd Party DotNetNuke Blog Modules
• DotNetNuke Core Blog
• Nukepress Blog
• DotNetNuke Speed Blog
• Ventrian News Articles
• Sun Blog
• Wordpress Blog
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